Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gunpla Workstation

Has finished set up my Gunpla workstation ^^
Basically is ok, just that might need adding another exhaust fan on window as wife said still has some paint smell even she is in master room (my workstation is actually in guest room & I didnt close the door while painting).

Use self made piping (made by 1.5ltr water bottle) lead the air out. This is actually learn from my brother, Kok Fon ^^

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Airbrush Set

Here comes my airbrush set after more than 1 month waiting. Ordered in Mygundam forum from KL people. Normally cost about RM400++ for this China ab compressor. This one is special bulk order by the seller, and this is also the reason why can get slighly cheaper price but long waiting time. Really cant wait for the arriving of weekend >.<

All the items for this batch as following,
Hseng AS186 with hose (with 1 month 1 to 1 exchange warranty) RM330
MyHobby Std silver 0.3mm double action MYHB-T11-730 RM110
Colour clip x 10pcs FOC
Airbrush stand hold BD-16 RM68
Gaia paint 014 natural brown RM12
Enamal black paint RM10
water decals for MG Char's Zaku II RM20